Vidaris™ autologous serum eye drops (ASED) is a custom made and preservative-free eye drop produced from ones own blood serum. Multiple studies prove that ASED can be an effective treatment for patients suffering from severe dry eye, neurotrophic keratopathy, and other corneal epithelial disorders.
Vidaris is produced in our facility allowing for in-person pickup or easy distribution to your patients.
For Patients
Click here and begin your journey toward the relief of dry eye symptoms.
For Physicians
Learn how easy it is to prescribe Vidaris for your patients using our local processing labs.
I had cornea abrasions due to dry eyes and they were not responding to traditional treatment. Dry eyes were causing me pain and blurry vision. I tried many different drops, gels, ointments, and even an eye pillow. I simply was not getting better. Within two days of beginning using Vidaris, the pain was gone.